Screenwriting Tag Results for "heroes"

Spotlight: A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

Script Consultant Karel Segers disects a scene from 2016 Academy Awards Best Picture winner Spotlight.

Subtext: The Art of Backstory

Author K.M. Weiland discusses how to effectively use subtext when creating and communicating backstory.

The 11 Laws of Great Storytelling For the Movies

Professor, screenwriter and script consultant Jeffrey Hirschberg reveals the key elements of writing an engaging screenplay.

The Hero’s Journey As A Screenwriter...

Screenwriter Mark Sanderson gives his illuminating take on a script writer's own personal and mythological journey.

The Real Key to Writing Great Screenplays and Novels

James Bonnet reveals the secrets of storytelling and how it can help improve your screenwriting.

The Rules Of Series Television Writing

Author & Professor Pamela Douglas gives you some new rules for writing television.

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