Screenwriting Tag Results for "visual"

12 Years A Slave: Hanging With Solomon

Script Consultant Karel Segers disects this powerful scene from Steve McQueen's 12 Years A Slave

2001 A Space Odyssey: HAL Reads Lips

Script Consultant Karel Segers disects this classic "movie moment" from Stanley Kubrick's groundbreaking 2001: A Space Odyssey.

A Glossary Of Screenwriting Terms & Filmmaking Definitions

Common terms and definitions used in Film Production & Screenwriting such as spec script, shooting script (final draft), intercut, voic…

Hit Me With Your Best Subplot!

The Unknown Screenwriter discusses multiple plot lines and how to use them in your screenplay.

How To Improve Your Story By Understanding Your Main Character’s Spiritual Beliefs

Marilyn offers some practical advice for improving your story by exploring your protagonist's spritual beliefs.

How to Keep Your Story From Stalling

How to write better stories by keeping your stakes high and cutting exposition.

How To Use Shot Headings In Your Screenplay

Writer & teacher Christopher Riley offers some great formatting tips for screenwriters.

Screenplay Story & Theme: Making Movies About One Thing

Award-winning writer Stanley Williams explains how your story's moral premise can strengthen your screenplay.

Screenwriting Structure Series Part 9: Your First Ten Pages & The Hook

The Unknown Screenwriter discusses the hook of your first ten pages.

Script Rewrites: How To Find Weaknesses In Your Script

Don Bledsoe, Founder of ScriptNurse, gives practcal advice on how to get the most out of your screenplay.

Scriptwriting For Beginners: Learning The Basics Of Screenwriting

Produced screenwriter Danek S. Kaus shares some insightful tips that every new scriptwriter should consider when working on their first…

The Real Key to Writing Great Screenplays and Novels

James Bonnet reveals the secrets of storytelling and how it can help improve your screenwriting.

The Secret Language of Great Stories - Part Two

Teacher and story consultant James Bonnet gives us a unique psychological insight into the hidden power of story metaphors and our crea…

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